100 and still going....

I have reached the 100 milestone , the journey has been inspiring. What keeps me going is the comments and critics that I get from my blog friends. Thanks to you people I have started taking my passtime activity as aserious hobby.

Above is the collection of TOP TEN photos most commented by you all.

100 goes well with my name (somitra- 100 mitra)as it means person with 100 friends.

thanks and Keep commenting.

Kimchee Salad

A Salad made from Cabbage and Chilly sauce. A add on to a chinese meal. In India chinese food has been adapted to local style. When we say we love chinese we actually mean that we love "Indian Chinese".

Clover- History Behind the Leaf

Never knew that this casual shot would take me to the amazing revelation of clover leaf . The clover leaf (shamrock) is the official symbol for Ireland More here

You can see a lot of this if you play cards. The "clubs" is actually a clover. If you by chance find a four leaved clover then consider yourself very lucky as this mutation is very rare and is considered as a luck charm.